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Philosophy and Culture

Philipenok, S. A. Personal Knowledge and Personal Experience in the Process of Self- Knowledge

Abstract: The author of the present article makes an attemp to show the relation between personal knowledge and self-knowledge and to give an epistemiological definition of self-consciousness and self-knowledge. For this purpose the author studies constructivist and narrative approaches to self-knowledge. The author clearly shows that there is a certain need in additional development of these approaches and completing them with the phenomenological analysis of personal experience, the latter being the basis of personal knowledge and self-consciousness. With the help of the system approach and based on the concept of situational knowledge the author describes the system, contextual and dynamic orientation of personal experience. Concepts of personal experience and personal knowledge, in their turn, expand the concept of self-conciousness which should not be limited to reflection. However, such approach creates the problem of introspection. Based on data obtained with the help of modern cognitive science and evolutional epistemiology the author analyzes various forms and levels of consciousness. The author studies the problem of relation between consciousness and knowledge of the surrounding world from the point of view of the system of personal knowledge.


philosophy, personal knowledge, personal experience, self-knowledge, Self, reflection, phenomenology, system approach, introspection, perceptive self-consciousness.

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