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National Security

Nazarov, M.M. Conflict potential for the secession (based on the studies in the regions).

Abstract: The author discusses the factors, which have the potential of negative influence on the territorial stability of the state. The author studies the modern theories of secession, as well as the topical Russian context, then the author points out the factors, which have secession potential. It is shown that secession can be facilitated not only by social and economic factors, but aqlso by the popular principles regarding the structure of the former USSR, which are reflected in the mass consciousness. The empirical basis for the article is formed by the comparative empirical studies in the regions of the Russian Federation, when the attitude of people towards a number of ideological elements of federation. The author also views the relations between the ideological positions and orientation and the conflict participation in the interests of national groups. The results of the studies show that ideological constants of the past translate through time and they create negative bases from the point of view of the stability of the Russian Federation. It is shown that negative ideological potential mostly relates to the conflict participation in the interests of the national group to which respondents belong.


political science, federalism, separatism, secession, ethnicity, nationalism, ideology, conflict, consensus, identity.

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