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Police activity

Kupreev S. S., Ryabchikov Y. I. Institute of banishment according to the legislation of the Russian Federation

Abstract: the article studies various situations of using in practice of the Institute of administrative expulsion of aliens according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze legal origin, essence and order of implementation of such forms of administrative expulsion as banishment from the territory of the Russian Federation, deportation and readmission. The authors arrive to some conclusions by comparing such means with the present day situation in Russia in anticipation of the forthcoming major international events in the country.


jurisprudence, administrative, expulsion, banishment, deportation, readmission, institute, legislation, agreement, alien.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. V stat'e rassmatrivayutsya voprosy primeneniya instituta administrativnoy vysylki inostrantsev po zakonodatel'stvu RF. Analiziruetsya pravovaya priroda, sushchnost' i poryadok
2. realizatsii takikh form administrativnoy vysylki, kak administrativnoe vydvorenie za predely RF, deportatsiya i readmissiya. Delaetsya vyvod o sootnoshenii dannykh mer i usloviyakh ikh primeneniya v preddverii provedeniya v Rossii krupnykh mezhdunarodnykh meropriyatiy.