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Philosophy and Culture

Baksansky, O. E. Methodological Grounds for Modernization of Modern Education

Abstract: Philosophy of education which became an independent discipline in the second half of XX century was formed as result of interactions between numerous philosophies and systems of education as well as interactions between educational experience and reflection. In XXI century convergent type of cogitation came to the first place. That type of cogitation was based in diverse technologies, in particular information, convergent, social and bio-technologies. Convergent technologies establish a new strategy of civilization development and this is why require social and humanitarian interpretation. It is necessary to use fundamental traditions and ability to create universal knowledge in order to create the cognitive standard as one of the key directions of the global development of convergent technologies.


philosophy, philosophy of education, convergent technologies, bio-engineering, bio-information sciences, bio-technologies, knowledge methodology, cognitive science, cognitive representations.

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