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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Sopylko, I.N. The scientific bases for the cyber-security policy of Ukraine

Abstract: The main purpose of the cyber-security policy in a society is to protect the identity of nations and states, to form the real and efficient mechanisms for the guarantees of information rights and freedoms of persons in the cyberspace, to prevent the manipulation of mass conscience. The specific feature of the scientific position towards the cyber-security policy is that the ontological concept of cyber-security policy is the consequence of the paradigm understanding of the multi-vector development of the information society and the variety of it’s alternatives, it presupposes the inability to define the vectors of its developments in advance and clearly regulate the broad specter of information relations by law. From the epistemological point of view, the concept of the cyber-security policy helps to operationalize the interdisciplinary methodology to its formation and to apply it with the due addition of an adequate methodological instruments in order to develop an efficient mechanism of the cyber-security policy taking into account the modern tendencies of the new cyber-threats and the inter-disciplinary character of sciences. From the axiological point of view, the concept of cyber-security policy should be recognized as a value, which a document of such conceptual level possesses, in order to be legitimized. The modern world and the formation of the digital universe are not possible outside the context of the cyber-security policy.


jurisprudence, legislation, cyber-security, cyber-threat, cyberspace, information, legal relations, politics, concept, optimization.

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