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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Kirdyashova, E.V. Intellectual rights within the system of human rights

Abstract: It is traditional that the legal regulation of the intellectual property relations are studied within the framework of the civil law science. However, the value of intellectual property products in the social life cannot be diminished to their ability to be objects of turnover of goods. The intellectual activity of a person is his natural characteristic feature, and it is necessary for the formation of personality and guarantees of individuality. The ability of the society to use the results of intellectual work is the basis for the existence and development of the civilization. The article includes the brief insight into the history of legal regulation of intellectual property products. Based on the analysis of international legal acts, the author comes to a conclusion that the evolution of the institution of basic human rights and freedoms have always been to some degree related to the social value of intellectual activities of persons and their results, and it is not likely that this connection shall vanish in the future.


jurisprudence, intellectual rights, intellectual activity, results of intellectual activity, human rights and freedoms, intellectual property, person, society, intellectual products, system of law.

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