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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Krasnov, M.A. The Christian world-view and human rights

Abstract: The article presents arguments in support of the thesis that the idea of human rights not just complies with the Christian teachings, but rather roots itself in them. The author criticizes the idea of the anti-Christian nature of human rights. The supporters of this position consider that the «natural law in its Orthodox Christian interpretation » does not provide for any rights, but only for the obligations towards God. Then they conclude that natural law does not contain any inalienable rights. However, supporting his statements with the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Church Fathers, the author proves that the Christian dispensations are not the obligations towards God, rather, they are the conditions, which allow human beings to become closer to the image and liking of God. At the same time, the God may not be subject of morals or law. He is omnipotent, therefore human being cannot prescribe anything to him. The dispensations are necessary for people. Their meaning is that in their totality they include the formula for the human dignity. And the human dignity forms the basis for human rights. At the same time the dispensations point our the organic limitations to human freedoms. Ignorance of this aspect is responsible for much of the immoral overbroad interpretation of human rights in the modern world.


jurisprudence, human rights, responsibilities, human dignity, Christianity, legislation, Moses, values, morals, moral imperatives, the Ten Commandments.

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