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Culture and Art

Pereverseva, M. V. Open Form in Literature and Music: to the Dialogue with Umberto Eco

Abstract: At the beginning of XX century the idea of mobility and uncertainty of formerly stable and Þ xed artistic form becomes very popular. During the second half of XX century Umberto Eco’s conception of esthetics acquires a bright representation in a music mobile and aleatorics development. Syntax inconsistency and semantic disintegration in Joyce’s works inspired Cage and Beriot to create uncertainty in composition and performance of music. Form of labyrinth was also shown in Boulez’ and other authors’ works. Before changing forms were quite rare in music and usually caused y these or those circumstances and traditions of music performance. Music mobiles and aleatorics were a typical tendency in art of XX century though – the tendency of individualization of music and structure when each performance had a unique structure and reß ected the author’s approach. Mobile form due to accident inß uence has led to far-reaching consequences and open form of music-in-movement resulted in a search of structural decisions and development of innovative strategies of form generation. This is the topic the given article is devoted to.


art history, open, form, mobile, aleatory music, improvisation, composition.

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