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International Law and International Organizations

Sazonova, K.L. Key aspects of international legal responsibility of international organizations.

Abstract: This article includes a review of the key international legal aspects, which are related to the problem of responsibility of international organizations. Just like the states, the international organizations are fully empowered subjects of international law, and the quantity of international organizations exceeds the quantity of states. The functioning of so many subjects, whose functions touch upon the interests of al of the participants of international community makes the issue of their responsibility especially topical. The author concentrates on such important aspects, as the legal capacity of the international organizations, the grounds for their responsibility and forms of such responsibility. In the light of the criticism of the activities of some international organizations, such as the UN, the NATO, the LAS, etc., it seems necessary to intensify the efforts on the codifi cation of this institution and to attract the attention of the international community to this problem.


international law, organizations, responsibility, codifi cation, project, harm, offence, legal capacity, forms, grounds.

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