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International Law and International Organizations

Kostenko, N.I. The United Nations Organization and the development of international criminal justice.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical goals for the UNO in the XXI century. These goals refl ect the achievements of the global community, that is: fi rstly, the sustainable system of criminal justice, which should become the central element for the structure of supremacy of law; secondly, recognition of the central role of the criminal justice in the development issues; and thirdly, the necessity of the all-inclusive approach towards the reform of the criminal justice system in order to make it more effi cient in fi ghting crime. The UN Member States should evaluate the possibility of introduction of the ruling principles and standards into the national legislation, and if necessary they should guarantee the application to of main principles, as refl ected in the General Principles of application of the programs for the restitution justice in the sphere of criminal justice.


international law, Congress, criminal, justice, system, principles, standards, restitution, justice, processes.

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