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Vysov, A.V. Econometric analysis of infl uence of ecological harm on the cost of immovable property.

Abstract: The article includes the stage-by-stage analysis of the infl uence of ecological harm onto the cost of immovable property. The analysis includes correlation of ecological factors with the cost of commercial realty and housing in Moscow, using a number of classic econometric instruments for the regression analysis, such as coeffi cient of determination, F-criterion (of Fisher), t-criterion (of Student), correlation coeffi cients (of Spearman and Pearson). With the help of regression analysis the author comes to a conclusion that there is a statistical dependency between the costs of certain types of immovable property and pollution of soil.


economics, environmental harm, analysis of infl uence of environmental harm, evaluation of immovable property, taking into account the infl uence of environmental harm, environmental factors, econometric analysis, environmental situation, waste, determination coeffi cient.

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