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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Vasilevich G.A. Legal Aspects of Countering Corruption

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of legal organization of countering corruption in the Republic of Belarus. The failures of state bodies and other organizations activity in countering corruption are underlined. The author gives some recommendations on improvement the system of preventive, organizational and legal activity to increase efficiency of anti-corruption activity.


fighting with corruption, criminal legal measures, preventive, organizational and legal activity, system of state bodies, corruption crimes.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Grazhdanskiy kodeks Respubliki Belarus' ot 7 dekabrya 1998 g. № 218-Z
2. Zakon «O gosudarstvennoy sluzhbe v Respublike Belarus'» ot 14 iyunya 2003 g. № 204-