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Philosophy and Culture
Eselev, E. A. (2012). ‘Love for Wisdom or Wisdom of Love’ (Emmanuel Levinas’ Anthropology of
the Other). Philosophy and Culture, 8, 106–112.
Eselev, E. A. ‘Love for Wisdom or Wisdom of Love’ (Emmanuel Levinas’ Anthropology of the Other)Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of creating anthropology of the Other in Emmanuel Levinas’ works as a variant of development of general ontological range of problems about the relation between terms ‘similar’ and ‘the other’. Solutions and approaches suggested by a French philosopher have made a great influence of formation of post-structural paradigm in modern philosophy, in particular, philosophy of difference. Failure of classical metaphysics of the subject determined a search for new ways describing human and his relations with the othe world. Levinas gave a definition of human from the point of view of responsibility for the other and supposed outcome beyond the limits of being in ethics. It has become an important step in development of ontological and ethical problems of modern philosophy. Keywords: philosophy, Levinas, similar, the other, ethics, differences, the Other, otherness, Self, identity.
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