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Culture and Art

Kantor, V. K. Silver Age: Culture Against Civilization or Victory of Archaic Meanings

Abstract: According to the author of the article, Silver Age showed that by restoring mythological pagan meanings culture could actually destroy civilization which has been slowly and heavily built by advanced force of people. That artistic epoch was the resonse to introduction of huge massses into the historical field of freedom. Old systems of hominization, humaniziation and civilization failed – and the artistic system stepped in taking people back to a pre-civilized stage with real mysteries and human sacrifices in an effort to help masses deal with all the freedom that came upon them. It was as if humankind went through its spiritual development again and came to prevenative mechanisms of civilization again, but this time masses could deal with it. At the end of the article the author concludes that after cataclysms in the 20th century all Europe including Russia are coming back to the renaissance paragirm of history (i.e. paradigm that is based on persoality).


cultural studies, history, culture, civiliza tion, cultural renaissance, spiritial elite, Silver Age, historical field of freedom, aristic epoch, the masses.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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