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Philosophy and Culture

Lukianov, G. I., Ignatov, V. N. Attitude to our Past History as the Factor of Formation of Socio-Cultural Identity

Abstract: The article views the phenomenon of socio-cultural identity from the point of view of social studies and philosophy. The author also considers mechanisms of identity formation both of humans and social groups as well as the nation in general. The author describes ways and methods of self identification in the globalizing world. Based on the author, self-identification must be positive and correspond to the inner cultural requirements of the society as well as external social and cultural challenges. The study shows that in the modern world of high technologies and drastic transformation of political and spiritual values one can form a stable socio-cultural identity if he addresses to our past history.


philosophy, identity, past, fragmentation, personality, subject, history, consciousness, communication, post-modernity.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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