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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

E.G. Moiseyev. The 40th Anniversary of the Treaty on Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Abstract: In the ÕÕth century for the first time the world faced highly destructive weapons, i.e., weapons of mass destruction. Three types of those appeared in the arsenals of states: bacteriological, chemical and nuclear weapons. Application of the said types of weapons could have put an end to life on Earth. To safeguard the planet against terracide, the only correct solution was found, i.e., to develop, adopt and execute international agreements on banning and exterminating of weapons of mass destruction. Distribution of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as well as missile- carriers is an important factor determining the nature of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation with regard to its geographical position and length of the frontiers. Special attention is paid to this matter by the Russian government. The Russian Federation takes an active part in international endeavors to consider the problems of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its carriers as well as assists in settlement of these matters by political and diplomatic means and instruments. Adherence to the principle of non-proliferation is one of the fundamental purposes of the foreign policy of Russia. According to the Concept of national security of Russia, strengthening of the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its carriers is the top-priority task of the state and distribution of weapons of mass destruction is among the main threats to the national security. Undoubtedly, increase in number of countries possessing the weapons of mass destruction, especially those situated along the Russian frontiers, is the greatest threat to security of Russia. Besides strengthening of the system of the existing agreements on nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and disarmament, Russia consistently stands for extension of the international legal base relative to this aspect. In particular, Russia considers the forthcoming beginning of development of the Treaty on Prohibition of Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear-Weapon and Other Nuclear Explosive Devices at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament to be its top priority task. Russia stands for establishment of more rigid but objective standards regulating the transfer of the most sensitive technologies, such as uranium enrichment and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. The Russian Federation does not transfer such technologies to non-nuclear states that do not possess those. Legal base is created and put into practice in the Russian Federation. This base ensures execution of the international obligations of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its carriers. Implementation of a set of measures ensuring the reliable stock-taking, control and physical protection of nuclear weapons, of hazardous radiative, chemical and biological substances as well as barring of unauthorized access to such materials and technologies is ensured by the legislation. The national system of export control over transfer of goods and technologies that can be used for manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction, its carriers and other types of weapons and military equipment is created and steadily operates in compliance with the worldwide standards. This system permanently evolves with regard to new challenges and threats.

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