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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

E.P. Ishchenko, P.P. Ishchenko. Informatization of Investigative Activities is an Adequate Response to the Present-day Criminality

Abstract: Changes in social and economic situation in this country, emergence of free market relations, split of the Soviet Union followed by geopolitical shifts as well as explosion-like distribution of publicly-accessible means of communication and computer technologies and technical means have changed the life of the entire Russian society and at the same time have given rise to a new formation of Russian criminality. Changes in criminality during the last two decades require deep understanding of those for the purpose of elaboration of adequate approaches to combat the new forms of criminal occurrences. Change in the structure of criminal motivations is the first thing that has introduced itself to notice of law enforcement officers, right after commencement of the said processes. Disorderly conduct and other motiveless delicts so common during the Soviet period sharply declined and gave place to crimes and offenses characterized by evident lucrative motive. Revival of entrepreneurship and free market relations with inefficient control of vast and seemingly available cash flows immediately attracted almost the entire range of Russian criminals into this field: tsekhoviks (black market manufacturers) – to legalize illegally gained capital; robbers, bandits and racketeers – in view of tempting of rags-to-riches chance; cheats for whom there appeared an opportunity to fish in troubled waters of yet immature market; hired assassins who were eager to offer their services both to organized criminality and to business men to put out of the way their competitors, etc. Development of market credit and financial relations, banking or other lines of financial and economic activities, supporting technologies and technical means and communication facilities as well as growth of service market create new types of criminal activity at the same time. Strengthening of the trend towards committing of lucrative motive crimes and increase of the share of grouped and organized elements is the resulting vector of the changes in the structure of criminality. Enlarged and enhanced equipping of criminals, cooperation of Russian criminals with international criminality and kept up import of foreign criminal technologies become evident and noticeable. The study of structure and sources of additional information used by preliminary investigation shows that the said information is extremely vast and varied by its origin, sources and ownership. At present the volume and availability of the existing information resources suitable for usage in investigative activities are not specified that is why cataloging of these resources is required. Different origin and legal status of information recorded by extradepartmental registration determine different volume and methods of its use as the source of information support of investigative activities. Multiple information resources, conditions and technologies of access indicate the complicacy of independent use of these resources by an investigator. All that confirms the necessity to establish dedicated analytical departments attached to investigative forces for the purpose of organizing and providing of overall information support of investigations carried out. The effective experience of criminal analysts operating in police investigative forces is gained in the USA and in a number of other foreign countries. Establishment of such office in Russia will increase the level of informatization of investigative activities in Russia and become the adequate response to challenges of present-day criminality.

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