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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

G.D. Sadovnikova. Problems of Development Institute People Representation in Conditions International Integration

Abstract: Author in the article considers briefly the influence of international legal norms and international standards in the field of parliamentarism on the development of Russian legislation. Article emphasizes that Constitutional Court of Russian Federation while forming its legal positions is guiding by universally acknowledged principles and norms of international law and they shall be subject to application by the courts of common jurisdiction. The basis attention in this article author spares the role of parliaments, which in contemporary democracies continues to evolve as parliaments are faced with new challenges. How should parliaments react to the new forms of international organizations? Should they play a role in upholding judicial independence countries in the international field? How should they contribute to the protection of fundamental rights? The article aims to provide some answers to these questions, shows the parliaments role and attitude regarding the judiciary with a special focus on the independence of the judiciary in a comparative perspective. One of modern international tendency is forming international bodies with overnational functions. Author proposes for Russian Federation principles of enter to international organizations, having bodies with overnational functions, with purpose keeping status of sovereign state.

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