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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

N.A. Zhavoronkova, E.L. Maksimov. Ecological Safety in the Context of National Security Strategy of Russia

Abstract: This article deals with current problems of ecological safety in the Russian Federation. Facts from various sources demonstrate how important it is to provide for ecological safety of the Russian Federation. They also speak about ecological problems, generally unfavourable situation, related to the environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources of the Russian Federation. The State report “On the protection of Environment of the Russian Federation” is one of the sources of such information. The report is annually submitted by the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation alongside with other ministries, services, agencies and organizations. The place and significance of ecological problems among the so-called “global” problems is proved by the fact, that anyway nearly all “strategic” documents of the last decade include sections related to environmental protection and efficient land use. One of the recent examples– the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009, No. 577 “On the Strategy of the National Security of the Russian Federation till 2020.” The article contains the analysis of the above mentioned document, that for the first time specifies and assesses many political and social processes both in the world and in the country. It also identifies national interests and priorities of national security. In addition, the authors the of the article express their opinion on the changes in the approaches to the protection of environment as the element of national security in the light of new Strategy. They emphasize substantial shift in the priorities and assessments of threats to national security. In conclusion, the authors stress that problems of “ecological safety” are far from being in the focus of political and state priorities.


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