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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Interuniversity Round-table Discussion Organized by the Chair of Criminal Procedure Law of Moscow State Law Academy

Abstract: Moscow State Law Academy traditionally inspires and organizes scientific discussions and debates on the most topical issues of law and administration of justice. The chair of criminal procedure law of Moscow State Law Academy proposed a new and original form for the organization of scientific debates: an interuniversity round-table discussion of three monographs: “Evidences and Proving in Criminal Cases” by S.A. Shafer, “Issues of Theory of Evidences in Criminal Proceedings” by Yu.Ê. Îrlov, and “Proving in Criminal Procedure. Learning Package” by V.A. Lazareva.


obsuzhdenie voprosov naznacheniya ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva, problemy istiny v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve

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