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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

V.M. Artemov. The Problem of Correlation of Morality and Law in the Context of Value-Based Dimension of Truth

Abstract: Being the main goal of scientific knowledge, the truth simultaneously appears as value of social and cultural being, symbolizes power and abilities of man with regard to theoretical and practical activity. The latter, especially when it comes to improvement of political and legal relationships and institutes, implies not only objective knowledge about things as they are, but some ideal meaning. This also includes ideas about things that could be positively meaningful from the point of view of morally trusted ideal. In its turn, a more or less complete implementation of such ideal is not possible without longing for truth and adequate trustworthy knowledge. In the post-non-classical era of scientific, especially social and humanitarian knowledge, classical (correspondent) understanding of truth must match a more solid than ever before account of valuebased and meaning-based factors. With regard to legal theory and practice, it is important, by fully considering the real pattern of correlation of morality and law, to carry out a consistent axiological, humanistically oriented of certain results but of projects aiming modify legislation. Essentially, the core of personal responsibility and professional competence in this regard is equally determined by practically proven knowledge about man and society and by positive charge of conduct signposted with rules of morality. Despite apparent efficiency of formally legal mechanisms intended for solving various social and individual conflicts in the modern Russia, it is moral and ethical notions and principles that remain to be crucial as far as promotion of justice is concerned and also with regard to relatively painless solving of the said conflicts and purely human problems. Considering particular features of national culture and philosophy, we ought to seek not the minimum but the maximum of morality of law. Including the insight into the truth, this attitude allows to see positive perspectives of further expansion and convergence of the said forms of social regulation. This is how value-based dimension of the truth is revealed in general.


pravo, istina, filosofiya

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