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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

A.B. Agapov. Procedures of Management of Public Property

Abstract: Registration procedures represent the mediated form of the control over realization by enforcement authority, the public or private commercial organization of competences of possession, using or ordering of the state or municipal property. Registration procedures include gathering, analytical processing (including examination) of the data on public property and also using of such data by the state body (organization) or the subject of private law. Registration procedures are closely connected with realization of the registration and other public allowing procedures carried to conducting of enforcement authority, for example, to conducting by such bodies of registers, cadastres, registers of objects of the real estate. Maintenance of the control over rational use of corresponding property object concerns to political-legal preconditions of registration procedures. The major applicability of registration procedures is legitimization of property competences. Execution by the legal owner of registration duties is the necessary precondition of investment with its property competences. Stages of realization of registration procedures: expert; analytical processing of the information; appeal. Special registration procedures are stipulated concerning the property, which is turned into the property of the state as a result of fulfilment of an offence. Legal regulation of the account of public property at a federal level is carried to conducting by the Government of the Russian Federation and federal enforcement authorities. Estimated activity is one of stages of management of public property and includes the administrative procedures which are carried out at a preventive stage and a stage of state regulation. The stage of a public regulation of estimated activity includes administrative procedures of legal regulation, the control and supervision of activity of the self-adjustable organizations of appraisers, and applications of sanctions to such organizations and their officials guilty of default of duties, established by the federal legislation on estimated activity. The control of the self-adjustable organization of appraisers for observance by its members of the requirements established by the federal legislation, concerns to the most important stages of a public regulation. Default by the appraiser – member of the self-adjustable organization of appraisers of the duties established by the federal legislation on estimated activity and local normative legal certificates, published by the self-adjustable organization of appraisers, entails application to the infringer of sanctions.


publichnoe imushchestvo, upravlenie, uchet, administrativnoe pravo, uchetnaya protsedura

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