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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

S.Ya. Lihovaya. Harmony Problems of International and Ukraine Anticorruption Law

Abstract: Today we have fairly impressive and strong international anticorruption law. Some of documents accepted by UN and Council of Europe have mandatory nature for states – members of mentioned international organizations, other have recommendation status, however, all their experience in this field has unvalued meaning for Ukraine law and other modern states. Particularly, coordinated actions of states connected by numerous strings of economical, financial, political and cultural cooperation can produce positive results in the struggle with corruption, especially related to legalization (laundering) of unlawfully collected capital, in the fight against drug business, human trafficking, traffic in arms Some foreign countries (Germany, France, Italy) succeeded in fighting against corruption. Their experience in the process of development of Ukraine anticorruption law will have positive result. Today, most of the laws accepted by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, stay far from being perfect and they do not work. They need to be reviewed. Corruption threatens national security and Ukrainian social system, it influences formation and operation of government and political institutions, it undermines the citizens’ trust to authorities. Lately corruption activity has not decreased, and at the moment the fight against this negative phenomenon is one of urgent and central directions of state politics. During Ukraine independency period legislative and executive branches of power were not able to make serious effect at limitation of level, scale and extent of corruption. Anticorruption law consisting of more then 100 laws, decrees and Government decrees could not help to achieve the final goal – to cope with corruption, because it was directed to fight corruption among officials of middle and lower echelon and does not comply with international norms and standards to full extent. Main provisions of anticorruption law are set forth in Model Law About Fight Against Corruption accepted at thirteenth plenary meeting of Interparliamentary Assembly of states, – Commonwealth of Independent States participants. This law protects freedom and rights of citizens, it provides protection of a state from threats of corruption, affective operation of the state authorities, public officials and individuals equated to them by the way of prevention, exposure and discovering of corruption offences, elimination of its consequences and bringing in guilty party to account; it defines main principles in the fight against corruption and establishes types of offences related to corruption and conditions under which a party is considered guilty. Effective fight against corruption is only possible when an effective system exists that provides its prevention, development of preventive measures of fight efforts to this socially dangerous thing, discovering and overcoming its social preconditions and occurence.

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