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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

T.V. Efimceva. Stages of Innovation Activity

Abstract: Innovation process is an idea brought and often used by economists, though it may also be of interest to individuals involved in legal practice, as only under closer look it is possible to find what kind of legal support does the innovation activity needs, and what kind of legal field does it use. Innovation process is identified with idea of innovation cycle and innovation phase. They differ mostly in number of stages distinguished by scientists working in this field. In general, innovation process may be presented as follows: fundamental studies – applied studies – scientific and research work – development work – industrial production – marketing – sale. This formula reflects the essence of innovation activity and direction of its implementation: from abstract solution to the real product, and then to the profit. The basis of innovation process is the process of development and absorption of new techniques (technologies). This process starts with fundamental studies directed at obtaining new scientific knowledge and discovering most significant consistent patterns. The second stage of development and absorption of new techniques (technologies) is applied studies, which are performed by scientific technology agencies and colleges. The final stage of the science is industrial production of new products that includes scientific and industrial process of assimilation: conducting tests of new (improved) product and technical and technological preparation of production. The stage of practical application of scientific achievement is followed by presentation of the innovation product to mass production. As a matter of fact, only after production stage that demonstrates real economic effect, the invention, useful model, production sample or any other achievement of a man is transformed to innovation (novelty). After production stage, when trial batch of product was manufactured, the innovation becomes ready for the massive marketing in the form of goods, works, services or technologies implemented in full project power. At the same time, the specifics of innovation activity allows to admit that innovation process is not completed with the first appearance of the new product on the market. It also continues after implementation, because innovation requires improvements and therefore, it may obtain new consumption qualities. This situation opens new usage areas for such object, new markets and new customers.

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