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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

O.G. Larina. Legal Regulation of the Forest Domain in Russia and an Establishment of the Forest Regalia

Abstract: In article the author examines one of kinds of the state regalia in Russia – forest regalia, and also legislative regulation process, manufacturing, gunpowder sale in the state monopoly regime. In article two stages of the forest regalia regulation are considered: the first stage – the forest domain use on the free beginnings, the second stage – the state monopoly establishment for a forestry use. The author concludes that the forest regalia had a political character in a greater degree – it was necessary for strengthening of the international, naval strategic positions of Russia. Forest was used in ship building, for factories construction, ports and courts. The author considers that exactly coordinating norms in the examined sphere that has affected increase of treasury profits by Peter I have been established. The author passes opinions that the Russian forest was one of the most qualitative and sold goods in Russia, however this manufacture brought the big damage to large forests and demanded of assumption of forest keeping measures. The author estimates the policy of Peter I and Catherine II in the field of preservation of forests, the system of the measures connected with the manufacturing organization and forest sale is analyzed. The author notices that in the beginning of XVIII century Peter I extended the state monopoly for manufacturing, purchase and forest sale which remained monopolized during ten years and brought in the stable budgetary income. The author considers that the forest regalia really brought the big income and treasury also. In article the author comes to a conclusion that the examined regalia were most constant in similar types of income. In the work the author did not only investigate legislative measures of the forest regalia regulation, but also has studied the legislation history in the field of the forest domain, some of its use foundations in Russia, has given a role analysis, importance of the forest regalia in political sphere. He has brought up the question about a choice between an expediency of warships building and a damage caused to forestry. Issue questions were put by the author in sphere of the legislation also and the incentive policy in the seller relation. The author concludes about the experience use necessity of last years and a establishing of the forest state regalia in relation to cutting down and woods sale and creation of the centralized forestry controller.


dokhody byudzheta, regaliya, ukaz, les, lesnoe imushchestvo, gosudarstvo

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