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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

E.L. Maksimov. Protection of Agricultural Lands as a Means of Providing for the Ecological Safety

Abstract: The article describes the most urgent problems of state control over the protection of agricultural lands as a means of providing for the ecological safety of the Russian Federation. Facts from various sources demonstrate how important and even necessary its to provide for such state control.These facts also speak about the unfavourable situation related to the reduction in agricultural lands, the withdrawal of such lands from the turnover of national economy and the degradation of the lands (worsening fertility and other aspects). So according to the statistics of 2008 there was a reduction in agricultural lands that was 864,1 thousand hectares less than in 2007. One of the basic laws for the complex control over agriculture is the Federal Law “On the development of agriculture.” According to that law the state carries out the state agrarian policy being one of the trends of the state social and economic policy aimed at steady development of agriculture and rural areas. The law and other federal target programmes are aimed preservation and reproduction of agricultural lands and other natural resources. To achieve the goals mentioned above it’s urgent to take measures for keeping up soil fertility, preservation and efficient use of agricultural lands and agrolandscapes. It is also necessary to provide for the increase in the manufacture of qualitative agricultural production by using regeneration and enhancement of soil fertility of agricultural lands. In conclusion it’s worth mentioning that the realization of those measures will lead to food and ecological safety of the Russian Federation. However it’s possible only in case of full-scale funding of all programmes of measures.


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