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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korneenkov, S. S. Determination, Indetermination and Self-Determination in Human Evolution

Abstract: The article is devoted to the drivers of human evolution. There are a few approaches to this matter in science. The goals of this particular article are: 1) to study the theory of determination and indetermination in human evolution; 2) prove the provision that human being is a self-determining creature. All the assumptions are based on the provision that the phenomenon of human is made up out of the unity of body, nature, social, psyche, cosmic and spirit. Nature, Universe and Human exist in absolute unity. Human structures live and develop according to their own laws that are closely wreathen and interrelated. Freedom and determinism are the two sides of the one phenomenon. Our mind is part of this process. Determination and time exist only in our mind but not in nature. Universe and human development are totally governed by the universal law of self-determination.


psychology, determination, indetermination, self-determination, human evolution, paradigm, Universe, Higher Self, Absolute, spirit.

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