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Administrative and municipal law

Kolesnikov, Yu. A. Financial and Legal Groundwork for Delegation of Some State Authorities to Local Self- Government Agencies

Abstract: The article is devoted to a very topical issue — financial activity of local self-government authorities; financial fundamentals of local self-government and a need in their reformation; gaps and drawbacks in the modern legal regulation of financial fundamentals of local self-government. The topic is important because changes in economic relations which has been going on over the past 25 years in the Russian Federation creates a need in reformation of the system of state administration, its decentralization and delegation of a considerable part of life support functions to the local self-government. Therefore, local self-government agencies need a proper status, competence, material and financial resources.


Constitution of the Russian Federation, local self-government, financial activity, local budget, municipal unit, budget process, cash funds.

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