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National Security

Manoylo, A.V. The USA and the Taliban: strategic partnership.

Abstract: On April 6, 2012 Afghanistan has again became the object of attention for the mass media: the Afghani Talibs which were inactive in late months organized an attack on Kabul. The armed attack on April 15 was directed to the diplomatic part of the capital, including the embassies of the USA, the Great Britain the FRG, the Presidential Palace, the Parliament, the UN Mission, the Headquarters of the International Forces for Promoting Security in Afghanistan. The attack took place only one month before the NATO summit in Chicago, during which the administration of President Obama was meant to introduce the fi nal plan on bringing international forces out of Afghanistan.


political science, the USA, national security, Afghanistan, Pakistan, international relations, values, confl ict, foreign policy.

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1. Makedonov L. Taliby otmetili vesnu v Kabule.
2. shtml