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National Security

Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. The future of the global world: guarantees of security through sustainable development.

Abstract: The article establishes that a global world is fraught with new threats and dangers of planetary scale, which could cause a global catastrophe. There is a need to infl uence global processes through sustainable development, providing for the survival of civilization. By sustainable development the authors mean planetary-driven system and balanced development of society and nature, not destroying the environment and ensuring the survival and continued existence of a safe indefi nitely civilization. In the future, the global world with sustainable development, national and global security will be provided mainly through this type of development that will promote the positive tendencies and overcome the negative tendencies of global development.


security, globalism, globalization, global security, global governance, global processes, national security, social and natural contradiction, sustainable development, evolutionary globalism.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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