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National Security

Pogodina, I.V., Fraimovich, D.Y. Multi-level approach to defi ning the basic indicators in regional security based on economic and mathematical modeling.

Abstract: Strong differentiation of the levels of development of the regions, un-homogeneous innovation space, unsatisfactory criminal situation considerably limit the implementation of modernization of the state. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to adequately evaluate the functioning of social and economic systems from the point of view of use of their inner and outer abilities. The method of establishing the integral marker allows to complete a multi-level calculation for the use of potential of the constituent subjects of the Federation, and then based on the mathematical processing on the results to form a model, which characterizes the complex correlation of factual and optimal regional security.


economics, security, evaluation, region, characteristic features, multi-level, subject, modeling, mathematical, analysis.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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