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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Katunin, A. V. (2012). The Observable and Unobservable in the Human Inner World, Unobservability of Self. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 12–25.
Katunin, A. V. The Observable and Unobservable in the Human Inner World, Unobservability of SelfAbstract: In this article the author considers the topic about the observable and unobservable in the human inner world. It is well know that observation of our inner world is different from observation of material things, on-going events and natural science targets. It is one thing to observe natural phenomenon and it is completely a different thing to observe consciousness, psyche and our own Self. Due to the fact that there are many conceptions of our inner world, the author of the article describes what is observable and what is not observable, what can be researched and what cannot. We should also remember that observation and study of the surrounding world remain imperfect without observation and study of the human inner world because our inner world is a reality, too. Our inner world contains all kinds of feelings, sensations, psychic images which lead us through our life and influence the surrounding world. Important goals of this research include: first of all, to study peculiarities of observation of the inner world and self-observation based on Immanuel Kant’s and Boris Velichkovsky’s philosophies; secondly, to compare modern researches in the sphere of unconsciousness and cognitive science including classical experiment with the participation of Wilhelm Wundt’s metronome; thirdly, the author analyzes the topic of unobservability of Self based on classical philosophy and modern conceptions introduced by such philosophers as Vladislav Lektorsky and Rom Harre. Keywords: psychology, non-observable, Self, human inner world, self-observation, consciousness, unconsciousness, cognitive sciences, epistemology, psyche, reality.
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