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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chernobrovkina, N. Yu. The Structure of Motivation Sphere of Byelorussian and Russian Youth

Abstract: The article is devoted to the motivation sphere as a many-level, many-component hierarchic formation. The author of the article carries out a theoretical analysis of the basic components comprising a personal motivation sphere. Based on her study, the author also analyzes the structure of motivation sphere of modern Russian and Byelorussian youth. It is well shown that the motivation sphere of Byelorussian young men and women have a supporting nature with the domination of motives for social status and prestige, comfort and support of life-sustaining activity. Motivation of young Russian people is quite impulsive, versatile and contradictory.


psychology, motivation, need, sphere, Russia, Byelorussia, youth, domination, character, contradictory.

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