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Mikhailov, A. Yu. (2012). «Classical as the Russian» or «classical vs.
Russian»: the problem for “nationalization “of the
classicism and the formulation of a national style
in architecture, Russia XVIII–XX centuries. Culture and Art, 2, 62–69.
Mikhailov, A. Yu. «Classical as the Russian» or «classical vs. Russian»: the problem for “nationalization “of the classicism and the formulation of a national style in architecture, Russia XVIII–XX centuries.Abstract: in this article, using the methodology of architectural (V. Paperny, B. Vilkovsky) and Art Criticism (E. Panofsky) and in general humanities (Michel Foucault) attempt to examine classicism as an option for national style in Russia, whose formulation was one of the main tasks of the Russian authorities and architecture XVIII–XX centuries. The subject of this study is a process of “nationalization” of European classicism and building the basis for his version of national style. The focus of the author of various transformation/mutation associated with the use of the ideological and artistic classical heritage for formulating different versions of national style. This is accomplished using three periods of Russian history — the era of classicism as mainstream ideology and style of architecture: classicism (neoclassicism) 1770–1820, Neo-Classicism 1900–1910 and Soviet neoclassicism 1930–1950’s. Keywords: classicism, national style, Russian Archaic (Antiquity), neoclassicism, «romantic classicism», Soviet neoclassicism, national Romanism, Stalin’s Empire, «Gothic- Russian» style, pseudoGothic style, (neo) Naryshkin style.
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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