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International Law and International Organizations

Yastrebova, A.Y. The international legal regulation of migration: evolution, bases, immigration priorities of the Russian Federation and the EU states.

Abstract: The natural human rights, which are enshrined in the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights are closely related to the freedom of movement and migration. The social and legal integration of migrants is much more successful in the accepting state, when the international mechanisms of humanitarian cooperation among the states are involved. The dominating factor is the support of global migration programs and the individual procedures of the international non-governmental organizations, such as the UN. The article is related to the international legal aspects of migration, historically formed principles of protection of migrants, modern priorities of the EU states and the Russian Federation in this sphere.


international law, the European law, fugitives, persons in search of refuge, international mechanisms, protection, immigration, legislation, migrant workers, forms of implementation, agreements among the states.

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