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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

L.V. Filatova Influence of the International Law Fundamental Principles and norms on the Information Legislation Development in Russia

Abstract: The role of fundamental principles and norms of international law in development of Russian information legislation, its systematization and codification is analyzed in the article. The international experience of access procedures, guaranteeing of rights on public information is a good legal basis for perfection and development of Russian information legislation. The basic principles of international law creating the common legal frames for relations in the communication sphere sucj as: guarantees for people access to different sources of information and means of communication; noninterference to the internal state affairs; sovereign parity; respect for human rights and freedoms; freedom of information exchange; principles and procedures on society informing on state structures activity and principle of state control for communication activity — are researched in the article. The article shows the model of international principles implementation to the legal system of the Russian Federation.


fundamental principles and norms of international law, information society, e-governance, information legislation, systematization of legislation, principles of legislative regulation, information technologies, information freedom, information security.

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