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Culture and Art

Kayukov, V. A. Cultural Types of the Stage Artistic Impression in West-European Conducting

Abstract: The article provides definition and analysis of cultural types of scenic artistic impression based on the example of key representatives of West-European conducting (Hans von Bulow, Felix Weingartner, Wilhelm Furtwangler, Arturo Toscanini, Herbert von Karajan, Seiji Ozawa, Daniel Barenboim, Simon Rattle). The author of the article describes types of conductors: the three basic types (dictator, action boy, intellectual and poet) and mixed types (politician, businessmen and showman and a ‘traveling’ conductor). The author of the article also analyzes particular influence of conductors of different types on the orchestra. The author also tries to answer the following question: why some conductors who have a wonderful ear and memory for music, cannot become a great conductor, while others who are less talented play an important role in the history of music? For the first time the author suggests a classification which is not based on music or art studies but philosophy and culture (using such categories as ‘success’ and ‘artistic impression’).


cultural studies, conductor, dictator, action boy, activity, music, artistic impression, success, personality, orchestra, choir.

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