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Taxes and Taxation

Lukashevskaya, S. Yu. Legality of a Field Inspection of Physical Entities

Abstract: Exercising of rights of tax authorities as a part of fi eld tax inspection affects the rights of a taxpayer – physical entity. Assignment and conduction of fi eld inspections do not only infringe the rights of physical entities under the Constitution of the RF and Tax Code of the RF, but also lacks the legal nature and purpose. Field inspection of physical entities without additional (i.e. peculiar for this type of inspection) eligibility makes it just another in-offi ce inspection. Moreover, the ‘fi eld’ status allows to apply a jurisdictional act to deal with the judicial act which is based on the results of the hearing of the disputes regarding an in-offi ce inspection. (At the present time, such cases are viewed by the Constitutional court).


studies of law, taxes, taxation, fi eld, tax, inspection, physical entity, illegal.

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