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History magazine - researches

Khormach I.A. Forgotten recognition: the restoration of the diplomatic relations between the USSR and Italy in 1944

Abstract: being based on a large number of published and archival documents the article reconstructs the history of the process of diplomatic recognition of Italy by the Soviet Union. It shows the struggles of the anti-Hitler coalition countries for Italy out of World War II, reflects the British and U.S. attempts to dominate the economy and politics of Italy, to prevent the Soviet government to negotiate with the democratic and anti-fascist forces of Italy to accept the surrender. It analyzes domestic and foreign policy problems Italy faced in connection with its exit from the Hitler coalition and the country’s transition to democratic rule. Author proves the primacy of the Soviet Union in recognition of the government of liberated Italy, de jure and significance of this event for the state.


history, USSR, Italy, war, fascism, Benito Mussolini, Stalin, democracy, agreement, policy.

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