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Administrative and municipal law

Kalinin, G. I. The Problems of Delineation of Powers in the Sphere of State Veterinary Supervision Between Local Agencies of the Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service and State Veterinary Services of the Russian Federation Constituents

Abstract: Delineation of powers between federal and local bodies of state veterinary control is a long-standing issue. A more simple way was chosen in the case we studied but eventually it was not successful. However, agreement on coordination of activities was not supported by changes in existing legislation and did not take into account the settled practice and efficiency of the activities held. Taking into account expected changes in existing legislation, it is necessary to understand how serious the question is. It is also necessary to remember that the veterinary supervision is closely connected with the provision of epidemic and veterinary-sanitary safety of population and state. According to the author of the article, the system of the federal state veterinary supervision must be shortened and reduced.


control, supervision, legislation, veterinary, power, authorities, agreement, inspection, interaction, efficiency.

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