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International Law and International Organizations

Kalamkaryan, R.A. Codification and progressive development of international law as a form of administrative legal activity of the global community on the enhancement of international law.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the importance of codification and progressive development of international law as a form of administrative legal activity of international community on improvement of international law. The author studies the issues of development of international law, mechanisms of such improvement and the results of the relevant activities.


international law, codification, progressive development of international law, international community, administrative legal activity, administrative legal activity, development of international law.

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1. Lauterpacht H. Being the Collected Papers of H. Lauterpacht. Cambridge, 1975. Vol. 2. Part 1. P. 213-
2. 237; Gross L. Selected Essays on International Law and Organization. Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1993.
3. P. 561;
4. Morgenthau H. Politics Among Nations. N.Y., 1973. P. 422-425.