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International Law and International Organizations

Trivaylo, A.V. The derivative character of the legal personality of international organizations.

Abstract: The article includes the study of the derivative character of legal personality of international organizations as a key category for the functioning of the legal entity. In spite of the fact that this issue was an object to many studies, not all of the topical moments got enough attention. The author analyzes the development of approaches to the studies of the legal personality of international organizations from the early XX century, when this issue was hardly regarded, to the modern stage. The author also pays attention to the consultative opinion of the ICJ of 1949, which stated its opinion on this issue, and provided for this quality. The author shows the primacy and power of the state as a subject of international law and derivative character of international organization, and also connects international legal personality of organizations with their inner autonomy from the member states. The study of the derivative character of the legal personality of international organizations allows to understand the relations and activities of subjects of international law much better.


international law, theory of international law, law of international organizations, legal personality.

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