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Culture and Art
Ershova, G. G. (2011). Yu. V. Knorozov Center at Russian State
University for the Humanities and Yury Knorozov
Center in Shkaret (Mexico) Prior to the 60th
Anniversary of a Maya Script Decryption. Culture and Art, 6, 28–31.
Ershova, G. G. Yu. V. Knorozov Center at Russian State University for the Humanities and Yury Knorozov Center in Shkaret (Mexico) Prior to the 60th Anniversary of a Maya Script DecryptionAbstract: The article shows an important role of Yu. V. Knorosov’s scientifi c school which is recognized and respected all over the world. Yury Knorosov did not only develop the theory and method of ancient writing decryption but also proved it to be successful in interpreting Maya hieroglyphic writing). The article is also devoted to the Yu. V. Knorosov Mesoamerican Center at Russian State University for the Humanities and Knoro zov Center in Shkapet which was established in the year of the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Mexico. These centers successfully develop this branch of science and conduct leading researches in the spheres of Maya epigraphy, language studies, history of ancient America, native American studies, models of civilization-based development, local cultural peculiarities of Latin America, religious consciousness, communication models and social development. Keywords: cultural studies, Yury Knorosov, decryption method of Ancient writing systems, Maya scripts, Shkaret, writing traditions, Knorozov Center in Shkaret, archeological and epigraphic project El-Tortuguero, linguistic project ‘Origin of Mesoamerican Writing. Decryption Challenges’, ‘Corpus of Read Maya Scripts’.
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