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Police activity

Olimpiev Anatoly Yurjevich About the parties of the pretrial inquest in the Russian Federation

Abstract: the focus of the article is made on imperfection of the criminal procedural legislation (UPK or Penal Code of the Russian Federation) in relation to the regulation of the description of the parties of the pretrial inquest. The author makes assumptions as to the decrease of the list of the bodies of the pretrial inquest and the sole right for the pretrial inquest belonging to the Committee of Inquiry of the Russian Federation.


inquest, parties of inquest, criminal procedural activity, Penal Code of the Russian Federation, investigator, criminal law, procedural body, procedural independence, types of procedural bodies, investigator of the Committee of Inquiry of the Russian Federation, investigator of the bodies of the Federal Security Service, investigator of the bodies of Internal Affairs, investigator of the bodies which control the turnover of narcotic drugs, Committee of Inquiry of the Russian Federation.

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