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History magazine - researches

Gaysina A.V. The activities of the Orenburg order of public assistane

Abstract: the article highlights the work of the Orenburg order of public charity. Creating of the orders (at the end of XVIII century) initiated far-reaching changes in the care of the needy. Their efforts were aimed at improving the situation for those in need through the opening of the almshouses, hospitals, pharmacies, workhouses and restraints homes, madhouses. Those who found themselves in a difficult situation could apply to an institution of the order for help. The duties of the orders was not only in charity: they served as the bank, lending institution. Orders have joined state and society in helping the needy, because only by the joint efforts it was possible to achieve the desired result — the welfare of society.


history, philanthropy, charity, care, compassion, almshouses, orphanages, societies, orders, Ufa.

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