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History magazine - researches

Belyakova E.V., Vasileva O.Yu. Shchapov Ya.N. and the beginning of a new stage in studying of the history of the Church

Abstract: the article gives an evaluation of the contribution of Shchapov Ya.N. into the development of the national historical science, study and preservation of written records (Slavic, and in connection therewith, Byzantine), in the genealogy (as a researcher of Shchapovs’ family history). It covers his activities as a founder and director of the Center of History of Religion and the Church, shows that his name is associated with a new stage in studying of the history of the Church, and that because of his efforts a substantial amount of historical sources were introduced into scientific use, marks his role in the returning of historic sites in the Holy Land to society.


history of religion and the Church, Archeography, Source, Old bookishness, medieval manuscripts, monuments of law, helmsman and their codes, genealogical researches, Shchapov Ya.N., keeper of the traditions of the Russian intelligentsia.

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2. Ot Drevney Rusi k novoy Rossii: Yubileynyy sbornik, posvyashchennyy chlenu-korrepondentu RAN Ya. N. Shchapovu. M., 2005