Pedagogy and education
Meritsidi, M. Kh. (2011). Comparison of Beauty in Modern Culture. Pedagogy and education, 3, 66–76.
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Pedagogy and education
Meritsidi, M. Kh. (2011). Comparison of Beauty in Modern Culture. Pedagogy and education, 3, 66–76.
Meritsidi, M. Kh. Comparison of Beauty in Modern CultureAbstract: The concept of beauty, its phenomenon and presence in nature and human life as well as an opportunity to get closer to something beautiful, has always surprised and inspired a human. This entrancement and worship of beauty have been ref lected by all great classics. Pushkin’s poem ‘Beauty’ also describes the beauty of a girl and the Beauty as something wonderful and exalted which she has and which makes others to worship and adore her. Keywords: philosophy, culture, beauty, spirit, nature, beautiful, human, decadence, industrial nature, art.
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