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Culture and Art
Biryukov, S. E. (2011). Escape FROM: Mysterious Emergence and Disappearance
of Gleb Tsvel. Culture and Art, 5, 104–107.
Biryukov, S. E. Escape FROM: Mysterious Emergence and Disappearance of Gleb TsvelAbstract: The article devoted to creative work by Oleg Udaev (Gleb Tsvel) shows that practically in every work by Oleg Udaev we can fi nd examples of his thorough attention to the gaps between material matters, phenomena and circumstances which were often reconciled by the author at their contrasting points according to Lomonosov’s principle of ‘reconciliation of contraries’ and actualized by Russian nerds, and then — imagists, OBERIU, and various Dadaists and surrealists in the 20th century. Perhaps, our young hero read some of them, although it is more possible that he felt the need in crossing borders, in reconciliations, in getting a hold of words and dreams even in the air around him. The reality was defi nitely too small for him. It just narrowed the space which was much wider than dictations and copy-books. Keywords: Russian avant-garde in literature, poet, Oleg Udaev — Gleb Tsvel, author and reader, writings (poems or texts), accentuation of texts, overcoming a negative experience by destructing this experience, ‘atonal’ lyrics, tragedy-drama-comic spaces.
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1. Gleb Tsvel'. Stikhotvoreniya. Teksty. Dortmund, 2004.
2. On zhe. // Sergey Biryukov. Zevgma. Russkaya poeziya ot man'erizma do postmodernizma. M.: Nauka, 1994. 3. On zhe. // Sergey Biryukov. Roku ukor. Poeticheskie nachala. M.: RGGU, 2003. 4. On zhe. Iz syuity soglasnykh // Samizdat veka. Antologiya. M.: Polifakt, 1997. 5. On zhe. Khshi pot trav < stikhi> // Futurum-art, ¹ 1, 2006. 6. Oleg Dark. Portrety Gleba // Nezavisimaya gazeta, 2 aprelya, 2000. 7. Sergey Biryukov. Pamyati Gleba Tsvelya // Sayt zhurnala «Futurum-art», rezhim dostupa: 8. Anna Al'chuk. Pamyati Gleba Tsvelya // Al'manakh Akademii Zaumi. , 2007. 9. Vilen Barskiy. Pamyati Olega Tsvelya // Al'manakh Akademii Zaumi. , 2007. 10. Irina Rashkovskaya. «Mne nravitsya, kak on ukhodit...»: Gleb Tsvel' //Voprosy literatury, ¹ 1, 2010 |