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International Law and International Organizations

Vrbashki, L. Legal regulation of access of air carriers of the EU to the domestic air lines

Abstract: During the liberalization of the legal regulation of the air traffi c in the EU a number of acts of secondary law was passed, and they formed the basis for the inner aviation market. A unique regime of access of air carriers of the EU to the local airlines of the EU states, which applied only to licensed carriers of the EU, drew attention of the international community as a whole. At the same time the recently adopted Regulation N 1008/2008 included protection of interests of both air carriers and the wider group of participants of inner aviation markets of the EU, while modifying the limitations to the freedom of access. By comparing the old and new Regulations in the sphere of air carriers access of the EU into the domestic airlines one may better understand legal achievements of the EU in this sphere.


international law, liberalization, licensing, carrier, criteria, publication, movement, preliminary, following, control.

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