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Philosophy and Culture

Rozin, V. M. Do I Identify Myself as a Follower of the Liberal Doctrine?

Abstract: The article discusses whether it is possible to have thoughts which are not liberal while referring oneself to the liberal camp. The author disputes with Vadim Belyaev and shares his views on modern social skills and social actions. The article also shows how he puts all his principles to life.


philosophy, doctrine, liberal, salvation, practice, activity, personality, effectiveness, nature, scheme.

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1. Belyaev V.A. Liberalizirovannaya Rossiya v poiskakh nravstvennoy osnovy. M., 2011.
2. Zimmel' G. Krizis kul'tury // Zimmel' G. Izbrannoe. V 2-kh tt. M., 1996.
3. Marks K. Kapital. T. 1. M., 1978